Local Muslims and Christians condemn bloody Baghdad church massacre

http://www.arabamericannews.com/news/index.php?mod=article&cat=Community&article=3555 Local Muslims and Christians condemn bloody Baghdad church massacre By Natasha Dado Saturday, 11.06.2010, 07:22pm According to media reports 58 were killed and 75 more injured after Al-Qaeda extremists in suicide vests raided Our Lady of Salvation Syriac Church… Continue Reading

John Sugg on why won’t the Tampa Trib tell you what people in Nashville know about Steve Emerson?

http://blogs.creativeloafing.com/dailyloaf/2010/11/02/john-sugg-on-why-won’t-the-tampa-trib-tell-you-what-people-in-nashville-know-about-steve-emerson/#more-113010 John Sugg on why won’t the Tampa Trib tell you what people in Nashville know about Steve Emerson? November 2, 2010 at 7:49 am by Mitch Perry John F. Sugg was editor of the Weekly Planet in the 1990s, and… Continue Reading