GOP needs inclusive tone beyond immigration reform GOP needs inclusive tone beyond immigration reform BY DAWUD WALID Dawud Walid Comprehensive immigration reform will most likely pass in Congress this year due to the political reality facing the GOP in presidential politics. America is quickly becoming a browner… Continue Reading

Deeper conversation needed regarding the Fiasco fiasco Deeper conversation needed regarding the Fiasco fiasco BY DAWUD WALID Social media has been abuzz after Lupe Fiasco was escorted off stage after spitting politically charged lyrics at an inauguration celebration event on Sunday in Washington, D.C. Fiasco’s politicized lyrical… Continue Reading

Commentary: King would’ve been against drone wars   January 21, 2013  Comment: King would’ve opposed drone wars By Dawud Walid Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day symbolizes many important moral and ethical principles, including the citizenry’s responsibility to end the federal government’s abuses of civil and… Continue Reading

Muslim group renews call for Iran to free Michigan man January 9, 2013 Muslim group renews call for Iran to free Michigan man By Oralandar Brand-Williams The Detroit News Detroit — A local Muslim civil rights organization renewed its calls Wednesday for “due process” for a Muslim man from Michigan who… Continue Reading