Muslim leader says American-Islamic relations getting worse

Published: Wednesday, September 05, 2012

By PAUL KAMPE; Twitter: @PaulKampe

Americans’ feelings toward Islam and its followers might be worse today than at any time in the post-9/11 era, according to one activist. Dawud Walid, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, cited multiple reasons, including Republicans’ insistence in calling President Obama’s faith into question, insisting he practices Islam.

“The anti-Muslim sentiment is more now than 10 years ago,” Walid said.

Walid added there are influential people, such as entertainer Hank Williams Jr., “Using Muslims to score points.”

Sarah Mehta, staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan, said American security efforts have unfairly targeted Muslims since 9/11.

“It’s not based on behavior or actual facts,” she said. “Since 9/11, most of the U.S. government’s security efforts have focused on Muslims. There’s a suspicion Muslims are involved in terrorist activities,” Mehta said.
“You just don’t get that with other religions.”

Mehta said a fear of minorities is cyclical and often occurs at a time of financial and economic strife. She added some people have learned to accept diversity since 9/11, “but some people don’t respond that way.”

Some Muslims have taken several steps outside their comfort zone in the past decade, opening mosques and libraries to the public, Walid said.

“We have to do much more of that,” he said, adding that more civic leaders and politicians, including Democrats and Christians, “need to challenge anti-Muslim bigotry.”

Mehta noted the ACLU has represented outspoken Florida pastor Terry Jones’ right to protest outside a Dearborn mosque. Jones recently announced his plans to return to the city in October.


“You don’t get anywhere by suppression,” Mehta said.

Reader response 

We asked our readers for their feelings via Facebook: Are American-Islamic relations better now than any time post 9/11?

Chris PaulBot McKelvie: “Of course! Why wouldn’t it be better as we slowly bomb them to freedom one country at a time?”

Deborra Swain Okolovitch: “Maybe when Obama gets booted out of D.C.”

Rahaf Khatib: “As an American born/raised Muslim … No, relations are probably just getting worse sad to say…”

Lena Abuelroos Kamal: “According to a Pew study, the statistics show that it’s getting worse. Unfortunately, it seems that bigotry and hate are increasing against all minorities from the shooting of the young Trayvon Martin to the Sikh temple (massacre), and the numerous attacks on local mosques (in addition of the regression of women’s rights in our country)!”

Jason Henwood: “They will be better when Obama is gone.”

Sharon Dunn Chilson: “I am an American, born in Detroit, MI., and I am a Muslim. I am very tired of people thinking it’s okay to take pot shots at people that worship or look differently than they do.”

Kris Peterson: “My attitude is, ‘live and let live.’ Al-Queida is a radical offshoot of The Muslim religion. I have never been bothered by any Muslim. People should just let go and let God … or, mind their own lives and stay out of others.”


Dawud Walid is currently the Executive Director of the Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MI), which is a chapter of America's largest advocacy and civil liberties organization for American Muslims and is a member of the Michigan Muslim Community Council (MMCC) Imams Committee. Walid has been interviewed and quoted in approximately 150 media outlets ranging from the New York Times, Wall St Journal, National Public Radio, CNN, BBC, FOX News and Al-Jazeera. Furthermore, Walid was a political blogger for the Detroit News from January 2014 to January 2016, has had essays published in the 2012 book All-American: 45 American Men on Being Muslim, the 2014 book Qur'an in Conversation and was quoted as an expert in 13 additional books and academic dissertations. He was also a featured character in the 2013 HBO documentary "The Education of Mohammad Hussein." Walid has lectured at over 50 institutions of higher learning about Islam, interfaith dialogue and social justice including at Harvard University, DePaul University and the University of the Virgin Islands - St. Thomas and St. Croix campuses as well as spoken at the 2008 and 2011 Congressional Black Caucus Conventions alongside prominent speakers such as the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Congressman Keith Ellison. In 2008, Walid delivered the closing benediction at the historic 52nd Michigan Electoral College in the Michigan State Senate chambers and gave the Baccalaureate speech for graduates of the prestigious Cranbrook-Kingswood Academy located in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. Walid was also a featured speaker at the 2009 and 2010 Malian Peace and Tolerance Conferences at the University of Bamako in Mali, West Africa. He has also given testimony at hearings and briefings in front of Michigan state legislators and U.S. congressional representatives, including speaking before members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus in Washington, D.C. Walid has studied under qualified scholars the disciplines of Arabic grammar and morphology, foundations of Islamic jurisprudence, sciences of the exegesis of the Qur’an, and Islamic history during the era of Prophet Muhammad through the governments of the first 5 caliphs. He previously served as an imam at Masjid Wali Muhammad in Detroit and the Bosnian American Islamic Center in Hamtramck, Michigan, and continues to deliver sermons and lectures at Islamic centers across the United States and Canada. Walid was a 2011 - 2012 fellow of the University of Southern California (USC) American Muslim Civil Leadership Institute (AMCLI) and a 2014 - 2015 fellow of the Wayne State Law School Detroit Action Equity Lab (DEAL). Walid served in the United States Navy under honorable conditions earning two United States Navy & Marine Corp Achievement medals while deployed abroad. He has also received awards of recognition from the city councils of Detroit and Hamtramck and from the Mayor of Lansing as well as a number of other religious and community organizations.

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